
ResMed and BMC / 3B Medical Settle Global Litigation

San Diego, CA – Jan. 21, 2017 – ResMed, BMC, and 3B Medical today announced they have agreed on a global settlement of all litigation between the parties. BMC and 3B will be permitted to sell their existing products in exchange for royalty payments to ResMed, and ResMed will make a one-time settlement payment to 3B…


Kotchen & Low Issues Notice of Collective Action in Age Discrimination Suit Against Google

Washington, DC, Jan. 4, 2017 –– Kotchen & Low LLP issued notice today to potential members of their collective action age discrimination lawsuit against Google.  K&L encourages individuals who meet the specified criteria to join the lawsuit. Individuals can learn more about the case, and file a consent to join form, at the following link: www.GoogleAgeDiscriminationLawsuit.com. …