
New Haven, CT, Feb. 21, 2025 – The United States District Court for the District of Connecticut certified a class of hourly warehouse associates employed by Bozzuto’s, Inc. in a class action lawsuit alleging racial discrimination against Black employees at Bozzuto’s Connecticut facilities. The Court found that Rule 23’s requirements were met with respect to Plaintiffs’ disparate treatment claims, alleging discrimination in pay, positions, and promotions, and Plaintiffs’ disparate impact claims based on Bozzuto’s six-month performance review system and Warehouse Floor Bid Policy (which allows employees to move among warehouse floor positions).

The Court certified the following class of Connecticut employees: “All black, hourly warehouse associates employed in Bozzuto’s warehouses, who have held the titles or positions of selector, forklift operator, checker, loader, clerk, slotter, support associate, cleaner, pallet auditor, wrapper, runner, between November 21, 2018 and the date of class certification.”

Kotchen & Low LLP has been appointed class counsel, with an anticipated class size likely exceeding 1,000. No trial date has been set.

The case is Loiseau, et al. v. Bozzuto’s, Inc., et al., No. 3:22-cv-01485-JCH (D. Conn.).